
Qualification : PhD

Specialization : Poetry, fiction, literary criticism and new literatures in English

Research Highlights :

Exploration of dynamics of poetry and fiction. Research guidance: Poetry and fiction (Indian and African)

Research (in APA Style)

  1. Publications: 35 (Research Papers: 27, Chapters in Book: 08)
  2. Patent: Nil
  3. Book: 15
  4. Self-Study Material Booklings: 02
  5. Translations: 09
  6. Individual Poems: 21
Exploration of dynamics of poetry and fiction. Research guidance: Poetry and fiction (Indian and African)
  1. Publications: 35 (Research Papers: 27, Chapters in Book: 08)
  2. Patent: Nil
  3. Book: 15
  4. Self-Study Material Booklings: 02
  5. Translations: 09
  6. Individual Poems: 21
  • Awards
    • National Millennium Honour 2000
    • Michael Madhusudan Award 2003
    • Distinguished Professor of English 2020
  • Projects: Nil